

RED-O was founded in 2019 by Wynand Verhoef and Robert Hellings, two entrepreneurial real estate professionals who have been active in the real estate market for decades, and their work includes investments and developments in (care) housing and commercial real estate.

RED-O boasts a narrow, structured and therefore efficient and decisive organisation. These entrepreneurs always see opportunities that they are happy to share with their network of investors, investing for them or in conjunction with them in development opportunities or investments. They enjoy being the spider in the web by taking on property, asset and portfolio management with their collaboration partners. There is also a focus on structuring investment opportunities that are privately organised and managed.

Assetmanagement & Investments

RED-O has experience with residential, office, retail and care properties. Asset management for these properties means optimising returns.

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Real Estate Development

RED-O believes in creating value by spotting and taking advantage of development opportunities early on. RED-O takes a smart approach to development by mapping out entire areas and identifying properties within them that are located in prime housing districts.

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